Das Magazin

Philharmonie's magazine ...

... is the Philharmonie's magazine that appears every two months. For its subscribers it provides, next to all information about the Philharmonie and the concerts, special benefits: free programmes, raffles (CD's, books, tickets) and much more...

... read online (German only)

Das Magazin NR. 4 AUG / SEP / OKT 2024/25

Das Magazin NR. 3 ABONNEMENTS 2024/25

Das Magazin NR. 2 MAI / JUN /JUL 2024

Das Magazin NR. 1 MRZ /APR 2024

Das Magazin NR. 6 JAN / FEB 2024

Das Magazin NR. 5 NOV / DEZ 2023

Das Magazin NR. 4 SEP / OKT 2023

Das Magazin NR. 3 ABO-AUSGABE 2023

Das Magazin NR. 2 MAI / JUNI 2023

Das Magazin NR. 1 MÄRZ / APRIL 2023

Das Magazin NR. 5 JANUAR / FEBRUAR 2023

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